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Travel Ease 旅途御守精華 Travel Ease 60ml



Travel Ease
7.5ml 口服精華(不含精油),120ml 個人&空間噴霧

精油:黑雲山、薰衣草、粉紅葡萄柚 白紫羅蘭花精、西洋蓍草花精、銅藍晶素、黑碧璽晶素、茶晶晶素 (White Violet Yarrow Covellite Black Tourmaline Smoky Quartz)



旅行御守精華幫助我們在飛行途中維持接地感,並且在移往不同地區時,使我們身體能量保持與地球的能量同步。對於許多人來說,神志不清的旅遊體驗是最糟糕的一部分,旅行御守精華能幫助我們在旅行中不斷更新與地球的能量關係, 以致於當我們抵達目的地時,不管在身體上或精神上,我們能真正感覺到抵達目的地。




The Travel Ease combination was specifically designed to ease the negative effects of air travel, including what is commonly referred to as jet lag.

If you are environmentally sensitive and have difficulty being confined in small, constricted spaces for long periods of time, Travel Ease will help you feel as though you have all the personal space you need, even on a crowded flight, train or cruise. This formula supports the establishment and maintenance of functional energy boundaries.

Travel Ease helps us maintain the overall integrity of our energy fields, which are challenged by electromagnetic radiation generated by the planes avionics and wiring, and by the noise and vibration generated by the plane during flight. Travel Ease also promotes the ongoing release of any toxic or unwanted energies that we absorb during our trip.

Travel Ease also addresses the disorientation that comes from traveling to new places and from moving through multiple time zones. This formula helps you maintain your grounding during the trip and keep your body energies synchronized and aligned with the Earth's energy as you move from one location to another.

Instructions for Use: For maximum effectiveness, begin taking the Travel Ease combination several days before your trip, during the trip, and for a few days after you reach your destination.

On a plane, take the formula every hour. It will also be helpful if you drink lots of water during the flight, stretch whenever possible, and get plenty of exercise before and after your trip.

The essences in this formula:
White Violet - helps us maintain strong functional boundaries when confined in small spaces

Yarrow - protects us from the energies of others and the environment
Smoky Quartz - synchronizes our auric field with the natural vibration of the earth

Black Tourmaline - helps us release toxic energy from the environment

Covellite - brings strength, clarity and definition to the auric field






