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Soul Support 急救精華 Soul Support 7.5ml



Soul Support
7.5ml 口服精華(不含精油),120ml 個人&空間噴霧

成分:有機酒精、喀什米爾熏衣草精油,水,蒲黄花粉花精、聖杯之泉精華、棉花草花精、 柳蘭花精、格陵蘭喇叭茶花精、孔雀石晶素、寬瓣柳蘭花精、紅寶石晶素、白柳蘭花精
(Cattail Pollen Chalice Well Cotton Grass Fireweed Labrador Tea Malachite River Beauty Ruby White Fireweed)

在任何緊急活動或外傷情況時,我們可以使用急救御守精華來維持我們的力量,平衡以及穩定. -發生受傷,驚嚇或外傷等意外時

-看牙醫之前,之間,以及之後 (如果你驚) -與人爭吵後,爭論或是意見不合時 -聽到壞消息
-創傷後的壓力症候 -手術前後以及回復期間 -面臨計畫中的突變或重大變化
-在動物庇護所和野生動物搶救和善後工作 -面臨任何過度期,挑戰期以及啟蒙期.


*7.5ml 用法:一天三至四次,一次三滴,滴於舌下。或可加數滴入任何飲料,浸浴水/身體或面部乳液/按摩油中使用。


Soul Support is our emergency care formula. It brings strength and stability during emergencies, stress, trauma and transformation, while providing support to rejuvenate and restore balance on all levels. This formula is known to be helpful in the following situations:

-Accidents involving injury, shock and trauma
-Emotional catharsis and violent outbursts
-Fear of flying
-Motion sickness
-Before, during and after visits to the dentist
-After receiving bad news
-After a fight, argument or disagreement
-Divorce, job changes and moving to a new place
-Post traumatic stress
-Before and immediately after surgery and during recovery
-Abrupt and/or major changes in plans
-In an animal shelter and for wild animal rescue and rehabilitation work
-For any transition, challenge, or initiation

7.5ml Instructions for Use: Soul Support can be used by the whole family. For children, dilute the stock drops in water if giving orally. In times of acute stress take four drops directly from the bottle under the tongue, or add to a glass of water or juice and sip frequently (every hour or even more). Animals may receive the drops directly or in water.

Our Soul Support 120ml Spray contains Soul Support essence and utilizes the soothing, clarifying properties of a very high quality, organic Lavender oil from Kashmir. This spray is especially helpful for calming, grounding and centering the energy in your environment, as well as in your personal energy field.

It can be spray in all of the situations mentioned for the above.






