Polar Ice 極地冰 (限量發售)
Affirmations - My inner space is filled with quiet simplicity. I have all the time I need.
Keywords: Agitation, Change, Completion, Impatience, Meditation, Patience, Purity, Surrendering, Transition
此精華是在北極附近的北冰洋上製作的。它是一種幫助過渡和周期完結的精華。 它幫助我們更有耐心去理解時間微妙性,並支持我們於當下保持純潔的期待,對將來沒有預期什麼。
This essence was prepared on the Arctic Ocean ice pack near the North Pole. It is an essence of transition and the completion of cycles. It helps us achieve a more patient understanding of the subtleties of time and brings support for staying present in a place of pure waiting, with no anticipation of what is to come. Limited Edition