Mountain Wormwood 艾蒿(組合:父系療癒)
【消除憤怒精華】未解決的憤怒和憤慨,不輕易原諒自己/他人的過去。透過原諒,能量不再浪費在憤怒中,長期屈於心中的不快,可得到舒解,身心達至平靜。它亦是一種急救精華,可舒緩痛症,扭傷,傷風以至jet lag.
Indications: unresolved anger and resentment; cannot easily forgive the self or others for past actions regardless of the intent behind them.
Healing Qualities: stimulates the release of resentment and the healing of old wounds; supports us in surrendering unforgiven areas within ourselves and in our relationships with others.
Ingredients: purified water, organic Demeter Certified Biodynamic brandy (alcohol 20% by volume) and the vibrational infusion of Mountain Wormwood - Artemisia tilesii.
Instructions for use: add 2 drops to a small cup of water and take a sip 4 times/daily.