Monkshood 附子(組合:恐懼)
【劃定界線精華】當與最深層的自我內在接觸時,提供保護與支持;透過促進靈性身份的明確認同,強化與他人互動時的能力 『在這個受保護的空間,我與靈魂的目標重新連結』 『我以權力及力量,無所畏懼地和世界互動,』
Indications: difficulty being in close physical contact with others; confused sense of spiritual identity; fearful of contacting one's own shadow self.
Healing Qualities: provides protection and support for getting in touch with the deepest levels of the inner self; strengthens our ability to interact with others by fostering a clear recognition of our own Divine identity.
Ingredients: purified water, organic Demeter Certified Biodynamic brandy (alcohol 20% by volume) and the vibrational infusion of Monkshood - Aconitum delphinifolium.
Instructions for use: add 2 drops to a small cup of water and take a sip 4 times/daily.