Hematite 赤鐵礦(組合:保護,無懼溝通,袓先療癒)
【強化情感精華】強化情感體的力量; 促進情感獨立而不是依賴; 幫助保持同情和感受到別人的情緒;亦以負責任的方式為自己的情緒設防,不冷漠亦不會受他影響。
負面狀態:被別人的消極情緒所吸引和影響,情感依賴; 特別是群體狀況。
Indications: unable to maintain one's boundaries while witnessing a highly charged emotional experience; getting swept away by other people's negative feelings; emotionally codependent; difficulty containing one's own emotional energy, especially in group dynamics.
Healing Qualities: strengthens energetic boundaries in the emotional body; promotes emotional independence rather than codependence; helps us maintain a state of compassionate detachment while witnessing intense emotions in others; helps us boundary our own emotions in a responsible way.
Ingredients: purified water, organic Demeter Certified Biodynamic brandy (alcohol 20% by volume) and the vibrational infusion of Hematite.
Instructions for use: add 2 drops to a small cup of water and take a sip 4 times/daily