Animal Care 動物急救精華 Animal Care 7.5ml
Animal Care
7.5ml 口服精華(不含精油),120ml 個人&空間噴霧
動物護理/急救噴霧包含少量兩種高品質有機精油:檸檬草和羅馬洋甘菊。這些油增強了配 方中精華的鎮定效果,並為噴霧增加了其清爽的品質。 將動物護理噴霧圍繞動物,其床上用品以及在其直接環境中,有助受傷的動物或較頑 皮/過度活躍的行為。不要直表接向動物的面噴灑,以免不小心噴到眼。
Animal Care is a special blend of Alaskan flower and gem essences created specifically to assist in animal rescue work, although it can be given to any animal in need. It will be most valuable when integrated into the initial care provided any animal who arrives at a shelter, treatments center, veterinarian clinic or sanctuary. This formula is also a must when adopting a rescue animal.
Use Animal Care for domestic animals who:
Live in large cities, are restricted from normal contact with nature, and are alone for much of the day.
Have been voluntarily given up to an animal care shelter because their owners can no longer care for them.
Have been abandoned and then rescued off of the street after a prolonged struggle for survival.
Have lived in conditions where the care given them was inadequate, the living environment toxic, and the relationship with their humans abusive.
Are exhibiting self-aggressive behavior.
Use Animal Care for wild animals who:
Are brought to a clinic because they have been injured or their habitats have been damaged or destroyed.
Are agitated, irritated, and exhibiting aggressive behavior, which may be endangering themselves, other animals, or humans.
Have lived for some time in pet shops, and subsequently in the homes of people, in isolation from other members of their own species.
Must be kept in captivity in a shelter, sanctuary, or zoo, because their injuries cannot be fully healed, and need to be handled in order to receive treatment.
Are suffering from ''toxic'' interference from their contact with the public and need to release this energy so they can be released back into the wild.
Instructions for Use: For pets: put 4 drops in the water bowl daily and if possible put 4 drops on the food twice a day. For horses, donkeys, cows etc: put up to 10 drops of Animal Care in the water tank every day and if possible put 4 drops on the supplements or on a treat or piece of apple/carrot.
120ml Spray
Our Animal Care Spray combines a special blend of Alaskan flower and gem essences designed to assist in animal rescue work, although helpful for every animal in need. Besides these healing essences, the spray also contains a small amount of two high quality organic essential oils: Lemon Grass and Roman Chamomile. These oils enhance the calming effects of the essences in the formula and add their refreshing qualities to the spray.
Mist the Animal Care Spray around the area where the animal sleeps or rests. Keep at least 2-3 feet distance and - use it like a room spray. It will be especially helpful when you are working with injured animals or those behaving aggressively.
Note: do not spray directly on the animal!